Ad Details
Ad ID: 8401
Added: October 14, 2021
Sale Price: $20
Location: United States
State: Alaska
City: Fairbanks
Views: 693
1. Introduction
2. Descriptive Statistics.
3. Data Visualization.
4. Descriptive Data Mining.
5. Probability: An Introduction to Modeling Uncertainty.
6. Statistical Inference.
7. Linear Regression.
8. Time Series Analysis and Forecasting.
9. Predictive Data Mining.
10. Spreadsheet Models.
11. Monte Carlo Simulation.
12. Linear Optimization Models.
13. Integer Linear Optimization Models.
14. Nonlinear Optimization Models.
15. Decision Analysis.
Appendix A: Basics of Excel.
Appendix B: Database Basics with Microsoft Access.
Appendix C: Solutions to Even-Numbered Questions (online).
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