Catering Ware Manufacturers 

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Our Kitchenware Products and Catering Ware manufacturing unit were first set up in 1978. In 2001, we shifted our facility to the Madras Export Processing Zone, an exclusive economic zone (SEZ) in Chennai, established in 1984. Spread across 16000 sq. meters, our factory stepped up its production of export quality stainless steel utensils, kitchenware, and tableware, catering wares, pet wares and planters. We export our Kitchenware Products to UAE and Saudi Arabia and gradually, they are in high demand in the entire Middle-East and Africa. In addition to these countries, today, we have an extensive presence in Asia and Europe. Many of our electrical products have earned international certifications. We have state-of-the-art manufacturing and export infrastructure that’s operated by more than 800 skilled and unskilled employees. The entire process from design to production and packaging is deftly conducted within our own Factory campus. We also have a unique R&D and in-house design cell where our product designs are conceptualized, created and tested by qualified design and development engineers. We are proud to be a leading Catering Ware Manufacturers.


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