Ad Details
Ad ID: 6274
Added: April 6, 2021
Sale Price: $10
Location: India
State: Uttar Pradesh
City: Ghaziabad
Views: 203
Website: Diabetologist in greater noida
Why Ayurveda for Diabetes?
Research shows that across the globe, countless people are suffering from Diabetic and the numbers are alarming. A person has diabetes when the body is not able to produce enough insulin. This lack of insulin production triggers an increase in blood sugar levels. Once the body starts producing excess glucose, it affects the nervous system, heart problems, eye problems, and kidneys.
If an individual is experiencing excess weight loss, blurry vision, profuse thirst, excessive hunger, extreme fatigue, it is necessary to consult with a doctor for Diabetes Treatment in Delhi.
So, Ayurveda mentions that if Kapha dominates a person, they need treatment to enhance the body’s fire and air elements.
Dr Yuvraj arora monga is the specialist for diabetes treatment with three branches in Delhi,Noida, Gurgaon & Rajouri Garden.
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