Ad Details
Ad ID: 10436
Added: January 6, 2022
Sale Price: $399
Location: United States
State: Alabama
City: Adamsville
Views: 145
Ativan (Lorazepam) is a prescription medicine that is an effective treatment for fighting off mild to moderate insomnia, anxiety disorders, status epilepticus, alcohol withdrawal, and chemotherapy-induced nausea. It belongs to the class of medicine called benzodiazepine that binds with GABA. Buy Ativan Online Overnight it causes a soothing effect on the body, and it effectively reduces the hyperactivity and abnormal activity in the brain.
The drug’s action begins within one to five minutes, and when taken orally, the action starts within 20 to 60 minutes, and the effect lasts up to 6 hours or more.
It has a tranquilizing effect that induces sleepiness, and at the same time, it provides relief from bouts of anxiety attacks and systemic seizures. It is a sedative-hypnotic drug. Ativan comes in two forms:
Ativan tablets
Ativan solution for intravenous ( IV injection)
It is also given before surgery to ventilate mechanically; it is available in tablets in different strengths- 0.5 mg, 1 mg, and 2 mg and the solution for injection ( IV) 2 m per mL, 4mg per ML. Now you can Buy Ativan Online Overnight so that you never miss your dose and manage your condition effectively.
The usual dose of Ativan is 2 – 4 tablets in a day. Your doctor will advise as per your condition and the etiology of the disease. Buy Ativan Online Overnight It may induce some common side effects that go on their own and do not require any medical intervention.
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