
CALL : (+91)-8010977000 : Premature Ejaculation specialist in Gulmohar Park,Delhi

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Premature Ejaculation specialist in Gulmohar Park,Delhi:-Are you looking Premature Ejaculation specialist (PE) in Gulmohar Park,Delhi ? Then visit Dr monga clinic,This clinic is best clinic for PE treatment .and providing best treatment for sexual problem, PE treatment.if you want to get rid out of this problem,then you need to contact best doctor for PE treatment,PE treatment specialist doctor, premature ejaculation doctor,PE doctor,PE specialist doctor, best sex specialist in Gulmohar Park ,Delhi .You can also book your appointment online for more info call@ +91-8010977000 and +91-9999219128.
Premature Ejaculation – What is it ?
When ejaculation is uncontrolled and happens before or shortly after sexual penetration with minimal stimulation, without wish of the person and partner. It is one of the most common sexual dysfunction in men.

Causes of Premature Ejaculation / PE
long interval between last ejaculation
new partner
psychological issues such as anxiety, guilt or depression
hormonal imbalance
trauma to genitals (injury)
drugs (even those prescribed by a doctor can cause PE)
Excessive consumption of alcohol or Smoking
Treatment for premature ejaculation by premature ejaculation doctor in Ramesh Nagar,Delhi
Most of the cases PE does not require any treatment and resolves over time.

Avoiding alcohol, smoking and drug abuse may prove curative in some.
Counseling and behavioural therapy may be needed.
Antidepressant medicines may delay ejaculation as a side effect.
Certain exercises and techniques can be taught by your doctor which will improve the condition over time.
Complications that can arise from Premature Ejaculation
Complications of premature ejaculation are mostly psychological like unsatisfactory sex and stress in partners. This can hurt your married life too.

Premature Ejaculation specialist in Gulmohar Park

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