Ad Details
Ad ID: 17828
Added: April 2, 2024
Sale Price: $1999
Location: India
State: Karnataka
City: Bangalore
Views: 62
Sexy Massuse provide you with Massage with Happy Ending in Indiranagar. Spa World in Indiranagar, Bangalore Offer Service like Body to Body, Nuru Massage, Sandwich Massage with Full Service Spa in Indiranagar.
In our unique body to body massages, the massage therapist will spank you with your naked body. She lovingly and carefully covers your entire body with aromatic massage oils and massages up and down your body to prepare you for the pleasure to follow as she massages you and your areas erotic like nothing else can
Body massage has its roots in ancient Japan, it is a very intimate massage that stimulates and satisfies your sexual desires. Using body contractors is a practice that comes from the old technical principles of improving physical and mental health, while one of the most erotic experiences you can imagine as your beautiful masseuse with her body and will use her skilled hands to caress, seduce and tease you.
She will rub you with slow, soothing strokes and touch every inch of your naked body. When you first turn yourself backwards from head to toes and repeat the process forwards before kissing every part of your body in sensation and rhythm, your body to body massage will stimulate your senses, reduce your stress, reduce muscle tension and improve circulation as pleasantly as possible.
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